They need

nature now

more than ever

Nature and Mental Health

What is the impact of nature on human health? A scoping review of the literature (NIH)

A lower connection to nature is related to lower mental health benefits from nature contact (

How connecting with nature benefits our mental health (Mental Health Foundation)

Understanding Nature and Its Cognitive Benefits (Sage Journals)

Flourishing in nature: A review of the benefits of connecting with nature and its application as a wellbeing intervention (International Journal of Wellbeing)

40-second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-breaks in attention restoration (Journal of Environmental Psychology)

Of cricket chirps and car horns: The effect of nature sounds on cognitive performance (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review)

The effect of exposure to nature on children’s psychological well-being: A systematic review of the literature (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening)

A narrative and systematic review of the behavioural, cognitive and emotional effects of passive nature exposure on young people: Evidence for prescribing change (Landscape and Urban Planning)

Mental, physical and social health benefits of immersive nature-experience for children and adolescents: A systematic review and quality assessment of the evidence (Health & Place)

Nature and Children’s Health: A Systematic Review (Pediatrics)

Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing (Nature)

Local Agencies

Advocates for Access – 309-682-3500

Heartland Community Health: 309-680-7600 Heartland Community Health Center

Human Service Center & Behavioral Health Advantage/True North Program – 309-671-8000 or 309-589-1011

Mental Health America of IL Valley – 309-692-1766

OSF Silver Cloud 888-713-7100

St. Francis Behavioral Health Services

Tazwood Mental Health Center - 309-694-6462

Unity Place 888-311-0321

Illinois Mental Health Collaborative

UnityPoint Behavior Health Services

General Mental Health

American Psychological Association

General Health/Mental Health Information

Mayo Clinic

Mental Health Resource Website:

Mental Illness Research Foundation of America

National Institutes of Health

National Mental Health and Education Center


Department of Rehabilitation Services – 309-686-6028 /

National Institute of Mental Health

Peoria County Government

Research on Schizophrenia and Depression

SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

Tazewell County Government

Woodford County Government

Specific Diagnoses

Autism Skill Sprouts

Amy Fox 1-800-773-1682

Bipolar Disorder Depressive Bipolar Support Alliance

Bipolar Disorder bp Magazine

Drug Abuse National Institute on Drug Abuse

Eating Disorders – OSF Eating Disorder Clinic 309-655-6724


Schizophrenia SZ Magazine

Suicide Prevention

Children and Adolescents

American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry

Bullying Issues

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Child and Family Connections 309-999-7006 or email

Crossword Café (Chillicothe Youth Center), John Heffron 309-274-9492HISRA 

Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association 309-691-1929

Mental Health Recovery

Choices in Recovery

Illinois Mental Health Collaborative

Persons with Mental Illness/Survivor Mental Health (

Treatment Advocacy Center

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Faith-Based Help

Mental Health Ministries

Mental Illness Ministries